P — Flex® Park 100 system in the Nowy Rynek facility in Poznań.

Complex will amount to 62670 m² and the residential area will be 20370 m²
What do today’s office buildings offer and can they be called “green”?

The Nowy Rynek complex of office buildings is being erected in Poznań in the Wilda district at Stanisława Matyi Street. The office space of this 15-storey complex will amount to 62670 m², and the residential area will be 20370 m². A market square will be built inside the complex. Ultimately, it will be not only a workplace, but also a space conducive to relaxation and entertainment. Green islands, landscaping and vegetation will be created here, making meetings and recreation more pleasant. It is one of the largest urban projects in the new history of Poznań and the most complex development project that Skanska has engaged in in Poland. The TURKUS + LAINER group with its P — Flex® Park 100 parking systems also participated in the project.
The right choice of materials.
Many A-class office buildings in Poland and around the world are applying for LEED or BREEAM certification. These certificates confirm that the facility is energy efficient and is friendly to the environment and users. One of the key elements of the assessment of the constructed facility are the materials used and their emissivity, therefore it is so important to use products with the lowest possible environmental impact and the lowest emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The P-Flex® Park 100 polyurethane parking systems, which meet the high requirements for evaluation and certification systems for indoor air quality LEED v4 (Low emitting materials) and BREEAM, and obtained the highest A + rating, perfectly fit this trend.
An important issue for investors is the financing of “green” facilities. The principles of sustainable development assume a change in the way of thinking about the economic calculation of this type of investment, which is to cover not only the construction costs, but the entire life cycle of the building. Such a change of optics allows you to see the real benefits of green building. Thanks to integrated solutions, not only tenants, but also owners of an office building can achieve significant savings in operating costs.